Press Release

As a new favorite in the blockchain world, DEFI has been known to the world overnight from unknown origin! As a concrete product of decentralization, blockchain has not been put into practice and has been criticized for a long time. With the development of blockchain technology application, DEFI and decentralized finance have finally broken the…

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Press Release

The global new crown epidemic has caused the production and operation of various industries around the world to experience varying degrees of impact. Many well-known companies around the world have also fallen into bankruptcy, and the global economic recession is obvious. In order to stimulate economic recovery, countries all over the world have begun to…

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Press Release

The International version of Lucky Day’s eco-app was launched on December 12 Lucky Day is a pan-community-based game ecology built with the efforts of blockchain technology. Through blockchain technology, high-quality game de velopers, game platforms and game players around the world are united to re shape the value hammer of the game industry, aiming to…

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Press Release

Throughout the history of world civilization, mankind has experienced the agricultural revolution, industrial revolution, and information revolution successively. Every industrial technological revolution has had a huge and profound impact on human production and life. The 5000-year farming civilization and 300-year industrial civilization of mankind have become the past. When the wheel of history enters the…

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Press Release

HEBE INT’L is hold by a listed company in Korean Exchange (KRX), it is one of a strategic alliance of Korean aesthetic industry giants, and a leading professional aesthetic company in Korea, China, and ASEAN. HEBE INT’L was established in 2016 in Gangnam, Seoul. It includes from skin health, cosmetics brands operation, aesthetics products education,…

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Press Release

November 24, 2020 3:00 p.m, First “Lotus Exchange Global Press Conference-London Station, England” officially opened. Hosted by COIN UNION LIMITED, The Asian Block chain Association (ABS), the Australian Electronic Commerce Association (AECA), the Korean Block Chain Research and Education Institute (KBCI), the British Research Institute Coin Shares、 the British Investment Agency Passion Capital and other…

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